Contact & Opening Hours
How to find us & Opening Hours

Through the monastery

Approach by car
Highway A1 from Vienna (60 km) or Salzburg (220 km)
- as far as St. Pölten junction - exit in the direction of Krems (20 km)
- as far as Traismauer junction - exit in the direction of Krems
- Exit Mautern - from here follow the signs to Göttweig Abbey.
Highway S 5 aus Richtung Wien (85 km)
- as far as Traismauer junction - exit in the direction of Krems
- Exit Mautern - from here follow the signs to Göttweig Abbey.
Approach by train & bus
From Vienna and Salzburg
- Western railway to St. Pölten
- Railway connection to Paudorf or Furth/Göttweig.
From Vienna
- Franz-Josefs railway to Krems -
- Railway connection to Paudorf or Furth/Göttweig.
Exact timetable for train & bus
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